prof. Dr.h.c. Ondrej Lenárd (SK)

In 1964 he studied conducting at VŠMU in Bratislava. Between 1962 and 1969 he was the chorister of the opera of the Slovak National Theater in Bratislava, since 1970 the conductor (since 1977 the chief conductor) of the Symphonic Orchestra if Czechoslovak radio in Bratislava, 1984 – 1986 also the orchestra of the SND. 1991 – 2001 he was the chief conductor and music director of the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra. He excels above all as an interpreter of music of 19th and 20th century. In October 1998, president Michal Kováč awarded him the State Decorations of the Ľudovít Štúr Class I. In 1999 he gained the Crystal Wing.
Between 2011 and 2017 he was Chief Conductor of the Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Since September 2019 he has been Chief Conductor of the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Eduardo Garcia-Novelli (AR)

Eduardo García-Novelli is the Director of Choral Studies at the University of Kansas, where he directs the graduate program in choral conducting and guides the university choral program. He previously served as Director of Choral Activities at Carthage College in Kenosha, WI, USA, where he led Carthage Choir to perform in five state conventions (WMEA and WCDA), three national tours, four European tours. a solo debut concert at Carnegie Hall, and multiple concerts at Chicago Orchestra Hall.
In July of 2019, Dr. García-Novelli led Carthage Choir to a coveted international recognition, winning both categories at the prestigious Spittal International Choir Competitionin Spittal, Austria. In addition, he served for 10 years as Artistic Director of the Master Singers of Milwaukee. Dr. García-Novelli earned the Faculty Merit Award while serving Lamar University in Beaumont, TX. LU A Cappella Choir was selected to perform at the prestigious annual TMEA Convention, an honor the institution received for the first time in 40 years.
The choir was also selected to perform for the National Conference of NCCO in Cincinnati, OH (first time in LU´s history). Finally, the choir was the only American ensemble invited to perform for the IV International Choral Festival: Central America and the Caribbean Sing! in Panama City, Panama. In July of 2023 he led the University of Kansas Chamber Choir to win the Preveza International Choir Competition, receiving also the Best Programme Award and the Best Conductor Award.
Last February he was honored to conduct the Texas Small School All State Choir in San Antonio, TX, USA. Born in Argentina, Dr. García-Novelli is a graduate of the Conservatorio Juan José Castro with an undergraduate degree in Choral Conducting, and from the Conservatorio Manuel de Falla, with another undergraduate degree in Music Education.
After moving to the United States, he earned a Master’s degree in Choral Conducting with distinction from Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ, and received his D.M.A. from the Moores School of Music at the University of Houston, where he was a Moores Scholar.
Zuzana Kaldčíková (CZ)

Zuzana Kadlčíková comes from Hradec Králové. Here, from the age of 4, she devoted herself to music in the Jitro Children’s Choir of Královo Hradec, with whom she performed throughout Europe and several times in the USA for 16 years. She graduated from the Faculty of Education of the University of Ostrava and the Janáček Academy of Performing Arts in Brno in the fields of: Choir Mastery, Music Education, Choir Conducting and Orchestra Conducting During her studies, she rehearsed in the operas in Ostrava and Olomouc, where she was commissioned to conduct opera performances several times.
In the years 2005–2007, she was the choirmaster of Kantiléna, the youth choir of the Brno Philharmonic, with which she won the highest award at the competition in Neerpelt (2006). In the years 2005–2012, she was the choirmaster and artistic director of the mixed choir Virtuosi diMikulov, with whom she recorded several CDs and was the dramaturge of the International Choir Festival Kampanila in Mikulov.
In 2011, she won the Junior Choirmaster award and founded the Brno professional singing ensemble Forte. In the years 2016-2018, she was the conductor of the mixed choir Ars Brunensis in Brno, with which she won the 1st prize at the A. Tučapský Festival (2017).
In the years 2017 – 2021, she was assistant to the choirmaster of the Czech Philharmonic Choir in Brno. 2022 she is the conductor and chief choirmaster of the opera of the Slovak National Theater in Bratislava and at the same time works as a choirmaster with the National Theater in Brno.
Adam Korzeniowski (PL)

Born in 1960 in Krosno, Poland, Adam began his musical career as a graduate of the secondary music school in the clarinet class conducted by JózefCymerman.
At the university level, he graduated with an Honors Degree from the Musical Education Faculty (Institute of Choral Conducting led by Arkadiusz Baszton) at the Academy of Music in Krakow. He further acquired an Honors Degree from the Faculty of Composition, Conducting and Music Theory (Institute of Conducting led by Prof. Krzysztof Missona) at the same university. From 1984 to 1994 he served as the Art Director and Conductor of the Choir of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow .
In 2000, he set up the mixed choir EDUCATUS of the Pedagogical University of Krakow, of which he remains the conductor to this day. In 2015, he created the Strings Orchestra of the Pedagogical University of Krakow. From 1996 to 1999, he worked as the Deputy Dean of the Musical Education Faculty of the Academy of Music in Krakow. Starting in 2004 he served as the Director of the Institute of Choral Conducting, Musical Education and Church Music, progressing to the role of the Dean of the Voice and Drama faculty from 2008 to 2012. Between 2012 and 2016, he was the Associate Rector of the academy.
He has frequently performed concerts in Poland as well as abroad. Some of his awards include the Grand Prix, gold, and silver medals, as well as various prizes in both local and international competitions and choral festivals. He is a laureate of two Polish and two international individual conducting prizes. He has worked to perfect his skills at multiple courses including, but not limited to, the Bachakademie Stuttgart (run by professor Helmuth Rilling, GermanInternationalen Dirigentenseminar in Leipzig 1987) in Poland (1986, 1989), as well as in England (Choirmaster Course, 1988). He has performed in concerts with orchestras and vocalists from Poland and Europe. Since 2009, he is the Honorary Professor of Musical Arts.
Prof. PhDr. MgA. Jan Vičar, CSc (CZ)

Prof. PhDr. MgA. Jan Vičar, CSc., works as a composer, musicologist, university teacher and organizer. His composition work is recorded on eight author’s CDs. He is the author or co-author of seven professional books. For almost four decades, he worked at the University of Olomouc, where he was instrumental in building the Department of Musicology. He worked as the editor-in-chief of Hudební rozhledů, founded two professional magazines, built a music doctorate at the Faculty of Education in Pilsen and lectured at American universities. He founded the Department of Music Management at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague and the international contemporary music festival MusicOlomouc. He has been cooperating with the Olomouc Festival of Songs festival for half a century. He is a professor at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and the AMU in Prague.
prof. Dr.h.c. Ondrej Lenárd (SK)

In 1964 he studied conducting at VŠMU in Bratislava. Between 1962 and 1969 he was the chorister of the opera of the Slovak National Theater in Bratislava, since 1970 the conductor (since 1977 the chief conductor) of the Symphonic Orchestra if Czechoslovak radio in Bratislava, 1984 – 1986 also the orchestra of the SND. 1991 – 2001 he was the chief conductor and music director of the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra. He excels above all as an interpreter of music of 19th and 20th century. In October 1998, president Michal Kováč awarded him the State Decorations of the Ľudovít Štúr Class I. In 1999 he gained the Crystal Wing.
Between 2011 and 2017 he was Chief Conductor of the Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Since September 2019 he has been Chief Conductor of the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Eduardo Garcia-Novelli (AR)

Eduardo García-Novelli is the newly appointed Director of Choral Studies at the University of Kansas, where he directs the graduate program in choral conducting and guides the university choral program. He comes to KU from Carthage College in Kenosha, WI, where he served as Director of Choral Activities and as Chair of the Music Department. During his tenure at Carthage, he led Carthage Choir to perform in five state conventions (WMEA and WCDA), three national tours, four European tours (concertizing in Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, the Vatican, Spain, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Scotland), a solo debut concert at Carnegie Hall, and multiple concerts at Chicago Orchestra Hall. In July of 2019, Dr. García-Novelli led Carthage Choir to a coveted international recognition, winning both categories at the prestigious Spittal International Choir Competition in Spittal, Austria. In addition, he served for 10 years as Artistic Director of the Master Singers of Milwaukee.
Prior to his time at Carthage, Dr. García-Novelli served for six years as Director of Choral Activities at Lamar University in Beaumont, TX, where he earned the Faculty Merit Award. During his time at the helm of the choral program, Lamar University A Cappella Choir was selected to perform at the prestigious annual TMEA Convention, an honor the institution received for the first time in 40 years. The choir was also selected to perform for the National Conference of NCCO in Cincinnati, OH; this was the first time a choral ensemble from Lamar University was recognized at the national level. Finally, the choir was the only American ensemble invited to perform for the IV International Choral Festival: Central America and the Caribbean Sing! in Panama City, Panama.
A runner-up for the National ACDA Graduate Conducting Competition, Dr. García-Novelli is the former chorus director for the Symphony of Southeast Texas and served for five seasons as Assistant Director of the Houston Symphony Chorus, helping to prepare choral-orchestral repertoire for world renowned conductors. Finally, he served for six seasons as the Assistant Conductor of the Coro Nacional de Jóvenes (National Youth Choir) of Argentina. In March of 2015, he conducted Schubert’s Mass in G at Carnegie Hall, with a large festival choir, orchestra, and professional soloists. Dr. García-Novelli returned to that historic concert hall in March of 2017, this time conducting Mozart´s Coronation Mass. He conducted Mozart’s Missa brevis in F, K192 at Peterskirche in Vienna in June of 2016, as part of the MidAm International Festival, and had his debut at the newest professional concert hall in Buenos Aires, the CCK, in July of 2017.
As a church musician, Dr. García-Novelli has served churches in NJ, TX and WI. He has held several offices for WCDA and NCACDA, and was the WI representative at the National Board of the NCCO. He is active as a clinician and adjudicator in the US, Europe, China and South America.
Born in Argentina, Dr. García-Novelli is a graduate of the Conservatorio Juan José Castro with an undergraduate degree in Choral Conducting, and from the Conservatorio Manuel de Falla, with another undergraduate degree in Music Education. After moving to the United States, he earned a Master’s degree in Choral Conducting with distinction from Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ, and received his D.M.A. from the Moores School of Music at the University of Houston, where he was a Moores Scholar.
Eduardo and his wife María Fernanda Fiocchi are the proud parents of two grown children, Mateo and Camila.
Doc. MgA. Jakub Klecker

conductor, music director of opera NDM
Jakub Klecker (1982) is one of the most distinctive Czech conductors of today. After his study of conduction at Brno Conservatory in the class of Ales Podaril he absolved the HAMU in Prague in the class of Professor Jiri Belohlavek and doc. Tomas Koutnik. He graduated in 2006 by the concert with Brno Philharmonic and Kantilena chorus.
During his conservatory study he caught the public attention by rehearsing a number of contemporary compositions (R. Ištvan, F. Emmert, P. Eben, Z. Pololáník, J. Matys, C. Kohoutek, E. Zámečník, P. Zemek etc.), and cooperated with the conservatory symphonic orchestra on some opera productions (Janáček: Nursey rhymes, radio-opera Hlas lesa by B. Martinů, Tlustý pradědeček by J. Křička, the intermezzo „Il maestro di capella“ by D. Cimarosa, opera Bastien a Bastienka by W. A. Mozart etc.).
Since 1993 he has cooperated with Kantilena – the youth choir of Brno Philharmonic, at first as a singer and since 1997 as a rehearsal pianist and the second chorus master. Between 2003 and 2005 he was the principal chorus master of Kantilena. In 2006 he took over the position of artistic chief after Ivan Sedlacek. Under his management the chorus continues in the series of previous successes – in 2006 Kantilena got the first prize „summa cum laude“ in Belgian Neerpelt competition joint by 99 choirs. We can consider a bigger success two golden prizes of the worldwide Choir Olympics in Graz (Austria, 2008), where Kantilena was announced as the best European choir in its category.
In 2004 Jakub Klecker was firstly invited by National theatre Brno to cooperate on a new production of Janacek´s Jenufa as a part of the international music festival Janacek Brno 2004. In June 2004 he worked on Smetana´s opera Branibori v Cechach as an assistant conductor and in October he debuted as a conductor there. Since 2007 he has worked there as a conductor and he conducted a number of operas and ballets (Marta, Jenufa, Rigoletto, Idomeneo, Nabucco, Aida, Bartered Bride, Carmen, Juliette, Knife´s Tears, Cunning Little Wixen, Beauty and Beast (Glass), ballets Spartacus, Nutcracker, Kitchen Revue, Adventurous Flight or Coppelia from Montmartre). In last years his most important feats are the world premiere of scenic production of Bohuslav Martinu´s Ženitba (The Marriage) in its original English version which he rehearsed for International music festival Brno – Moravian Autumn 2009, or the production of Puccini´s Turandot (2011) – the Czech premiere of version with Luciano Berio´s finale. In 2012/2013 season he will rehearse two important productions -Janacek´s The Fate in the autumn and The Midsummer Nigh ´s Dream by Britten in spring.
An essential part of his artistic life is the cooperation with the prominent European orchestras and artists as Brno Philharmonic, Symphonic orchestra of Cesky Rozhlas, Prague Chamber Philharmonic, Symphonic orchestra of Prague FOK, Moravian Philharmonic Olomouc, Janacek Philharmonic Ostrava, National Philharmonic Kosice, Czech Chamber Soloists, Czech Virtuosi, Czech Philharmonic Choir Brno, Eva Urbanová, Václav Hudeček, Ivo Kahánek, András Adorján. In 2007 and 2009 he joined the tour with Brno Philharmonics in Japan. In 2009 he debuted at the Prague Spring festival, which confirms the raising quality of his work with instrumentalists. We can mention some other important festivals and events where he performed: The International Music Festival Moravian Autumn (MHF Moravský podzim), Encounter of Vaclav Hudecek (Setkávání Václava Hudečka), The International Music Festival of Peter Dvorsky (MHF Petra Dvorského), The International Music Festival Spilberk (MHF Špilberk), Dny lidí dobré vůle na Velehradě, Janacek Brno etc.
In season 2010/2011 we can mention rehearsing of operas Ariadna (Martinu) and Sarka (Janacek) in the National Moravian-Silesian Theatre in Ostrava, the concert-tour in Italy as a part of the Carniarmonia festival, the cooperation with the Italian choir Coro del Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Mitteleuropa orchestra, with the Latvian chamber orchestra and a renowned violinist „Sophia Jaff“, rehearsing of Honneger´s oratorio “Joan of Arc” for the Moravian Autumn festival, a Christmas guest appearance in German Jena or performing at the renowned festivals Smetana´s Litomysl, Thurn-Taxis Schlossfestspiele, Rheingau Musik Festival.
In 2012 he rehearsed Stravinski´s opera The Rake’s progress in the National Moravian-Silesian Theatre in Ostrava. This production was also played as a part of a prestigious festival Prague Spring in the historical building of the Czech National Theatre in Prague.
Mgr. Lucia Bérešová, PhD.

She graduated from the University of Prešov and Postgraduate studies in choral conducting at the Muzyczna Academy in Bydgoszcz.
She completed her doctoral studies with a focus on conducting with honors at the Academy of Music in Krakow, Poland. She is also a graduate of various courses such as Conducting 21C at Eric Ericson’s International Choral Center in Stockholm in the class of Lone Larsen and Andre de Quadros and others.
In her conducting career, she collaborated with many choirs from all over Europe.
She lectures as a guest lecturer at several European universities and leads workshops on topics such as “Creativity in choirs” and “How to work with senior choirs” at international symposia on choral music (Cantus Choralis Slovaca 2018), Muzyczne Zmagania Seniorow (Poland 2017, 2018), Akademia Muzyczna Seniora 2016 (Poland). She also conducts workshops every year in Iceland, the Czech Republic, Poland and Spain. She has been selected as a speaker at the World Choral Music Symposium 2020 in Auckland, New Zealand and the World Choral Music Expo 2022 in Lisbon.
Currently she lives in Barcelona, Spain and works as a conductor of the following choirs: ResonArt Vocal Ensemble, Cor Polifonic Sagrada Familia, Jazz Cor Terrassa, Unio Coral Center i Energia, Orfeo Joventut Terrassenca, Cor de Creu Roja de Barcelona.
Together with the aforementioned choirs, she presented projects such as:
Musical musical, Remember (rock-pop), Barroc, Water music, Catalan music, Contemporari aeteri, Taste the music and Opera vs musical.
She is currently working together with Néstor Calderer on the production of an innovative stage fusion of choral singing and audiovisual techniques in the author’s stage project Tothom.
She is also the conductor of the international choir Revoice International Vocal Ensemble, with which she has successfully completed concerts all over Europe and which is the ambassador choir of Europa Cantat and EXPO 2015 in Milan.
prof. Dr.h.c. Ondrej Lenárd (SK)

In 1964 he studied conducting at VŠMU in Bratislava. Between 1962 and 1969 he was the chorister of the opera of the Slovak National Theater in Bratislava, since 1970 the conductor (since 1977 the chief conductor) of the Symphonic Orchestra if Czechoslovak radio in Bratislava, 1984 – 1986 also the orchestra of the SND. 1991 – 2001 he was the chief conductor and music director of the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra. He excels above all as an interpreter of music of 19th and 20th century. In October 1998, president Michal Kováč awarded him the State Decorations of the Ľudovít Štúr Class I. In 1999 he gained the Crystal Wing.
Between 2011 and 2017 he was Chief Conductor of the Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Since September 2019 he has been Chief Conductor of the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Eduardo Garcia-Novelli (AR)

Eduardo García-Novelli is the newly appointed Director of Choral Studies at the University of Kansas, where he directs the graduate program in choral conducting and guides the university choral program. He comes to KU from Carthage College in Kenosha, WI, where he served as Director of Choral Activities and as Chair of the Music Department. During his tenure at Carthage, he led Carthage Choir to perform in five state conventions (WMEA and WCDA), three national tours, four European tours (concertizing in Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, the Vatican, Spain, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Scotland), a solo debut concert at Carnegie Hall, and multiple concerts at Chicago Orchestra Hall. In July of 2019, Dr. García-Novelli led Carthage Choir to a coveted international recognition, winning both categories at the prestigious Spittal International Choir Competition in Spittal, Austria. In addition, he served for 10 years as Artistic Director of the Master Singers of Milwaukee.
Prior to his time at Carthage, Dr. García-Novelli served for six years as Director of Choral Activities at Lamar University in Beaumont, TX, where he earned the Faculty Merit Award. During his time at the helm of the choral program, Lamar University A Cappella Choir was selected to perform at the prestigious annual TMEA Convention, an honor the institution received for the first time in 40 years. The choir was also selected to perform for the National Conference of NCCO in Cincinnati, OH; this was the first time a choral ensemble from Lamar University was recognized at the national level. Finally, the choir was the only American ensemble invited to perform for the IV International Choral Festival: Central America and the Caribbean Sing! in Panama City, Panama.
A runner-up for the National ACDA Graduate Conducting Competition, Dr. García-Novelli is the former chorus director for the Symphony of Southeast Texas and served for five seasons as Assistant Director of the Houston Symphony Chorus, helping to prepare choral-orchestral repertoire for world renowned conductors. Finally, he served for six seasons as the Assistant Conductor of the Coro Nacional de Jóvenes (National Youth Choir) of Argentina. In March of 2015, he conducted Schubert’s Mass in G at Carnegie Hall, with a large festival choir, orchestra, and professional soloists. Dr. García-Novelli returned to that historic concert hall in March of 2017, this time conducting Mozart´s Coronation Mass. He conducted Mozart’s Missa brevis in F, K192 at Peterskirche in Vienna in June of 2016, as part of the MidAm International Festival, and had his debut at the newest professional concert hall in Buenos Aires, the CCK, in July of 2017.
As a church musician, Dr. García-Novelli has served churches in NJ, TX and WI. He has held several offices for WCDA and NCACDA, and was the WI representative at the National Board of the NCCO. He is active as a clinician and adjudicator in the US, Europe, China and South America.
Born in Argentina, Dr. García-Novelli is a graduate of the Conservatorio Juan José Castro with an undergraduate degree in Choral Conducting, and from the Conservatorio Manuel de Falla, with another undergraduate degree in Music Education. After moving to the United States, he earned a Master’s degree in Choral Conducting with distinction from Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ, and received his D.M.A. from the Moores School of Music at the University of Houston, where he was a Moores Scholar.
Eduardo and his wife María Fernanda Fiocchi are the proud parents of two grown children, Mateo and Camila.
Dr. Jonathan Scott Ferguson (USA)

J. Scott Ferguson is Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities at Illinois Wesleyan University, where he conducts the Collegiate Choir and University Choir and teaches studio voice, choral conducting, and choral literature. Dr. Ferguson received his undergraduate training at Oberlin Conservatory in organ performance, studying with Haskell Thomson. He completed graduate studies in choral conducting at the University of California, Irvine, earning the Master of Fine Arts, and the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he earned the Doctor of Musical Arts. He has studied choral conducting with Robert Fountain, Joseph Huszti, Daniel Moe, and Howard Swan, orchestral conducting with David Becker and James Smith, and voice with Robert Fountain, Joseph Huszti, and Beverly Rinaldi. Prior to his appointment at Illinois Wesleyan University in 1996, he served on the faculty at the State Conservatory of Music in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Hope College, Plymouth State University, The College of Wooster, and the University of California, Irvine. His choirs have appeared on tour throughout the United States and Europe, and have performed at state and regional ACDA and NAfME conferences. The Illinois Wesleyan University Collegiate Choir has collaborated with the Orchid Ensemble and the King’s Singers on commissioned works, and will do so with the Minnesota Guitar Quartet in 2021. Dr. Ferguson is in demand as a choral clinician, festival conductor, and adjudicator, and has presented choral workshops and lectures in the U. S., Europe, and South America. He has published articles on Slovak choral music in the ACDA Choral Journal and is the compiler and editor of the Slovak Choral Series, published by Alliance Publications. He is a frequent member of juries at international choral competitions. Dr. Ferguson directs the Chapel Choir at Second Presbyterian Church in Bloomington and is organist and cantor at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Chenoa, IL.
Zuzana Kaldčíková (CZ)

Zuzana Kadlčíková comes from Hradec Králové. From the age of 4, she was involved in music in the Jitro Children’s Choir in Hradec Králové, with which she performed for 16 years all over Europe and several times also in the USA.
She graduated from the Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Ostrava and the Janáček Academy of Performing Arts in Brno in the fields of Choirmastery, Music Education, Choir Conducting and Orchestra Conducting.
During her studies, she was an accompanist at the opera houses in Ostrava and Olomouc, where she was commissioned to conduct opera performances several times.
She received a scholarship for a master conducting course at the Internazionale Sommerakademie – Reichenaue in Austria and she has collaborated with orchestras such as the Brno Philharmonic, Moravian Philharmonic Olomouc, Janáček Academic Orchestra, Ars collegium, and the Brno Young Symphony Orchestra.
In 2005-2007 she was the choirmaster of Kantilena, the children and youth choir of the Brno Philharmonic, with which she won the top prize at the Neerpelt competition (2006). In 2005-2012 she was choirmaster and artistic director of the mixed choir Virtuosi di Mikulov, with which she recorded several CDs and was dramaturge of the International Choral Festival Kampanila in Mikulov. In 2011 she was awarded the Junior Choirmaster award and founded the professional vocal ensemble Ansámbl Forte in Brno. In 2016-2018 she was the conductor of the mixed choir Ars Brunensis in Brno, with which she won the 1st prize at the Festival A. Tučapský (2017). In 2017 – 2021 she was an assistant choirmaster of the Czech Philharmonic Choir Brno,
Since this season, she has been the principal chorus master of the Slovak National Opera Theatre in Bratislava and has also been working with the National Theatre Brno.
She is a lecturer at singing workshops and choral festivals (Liberec, Opava, Ružomberok,…) and she is also regularly invited to the juries of choral competitions.
Doc. Peter Špilák, ArtD.

was born in Banská Bystrica. While studying at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Performing Arts, he began to study at the Academy of Arts, majoring in composition. His work includes compositions of almost all types and genres, but the largest part of his work is filled with compositions for choir, which probably best describes his relationship to choirs (he was and is an active singer).
In 2005, his premiere performance of composition Kde si bola was awarded at the international competition Trnava Choir Days (nowadays it is in the repertoire of several Slovak and foreign choirs). In 2006 and 2013 he wrote compulsory compositions for the ABB international choral competition. In 2010 his composition Dies Irae for male choir received a great prize at the competition in Neuchatel-Switzerland. It was performed by the Slovak Teachers Choir for the first time and the choir received an award for its interpretation. For this male choir several compositions were written (Išeu Macek, Na košickej turni, Keď ma srdce bolí and others), which were also recorded on CD. In 2015, the Slovak Suite was premiered at the Fatra House of Arts, performed by Slovak national symphonietta and several choirs.
His most recent choral work is Alleluia. Psalm 150. The piece was written for the choir Cantica Collegium Musicum, Martin, for the competition – World Choir Games in Sweden. In 2019 he participated in a composition competition announced by the Cornwall International Festival of Male Choirs, where his composition Lacrimosa reached the finals and was awarded a prize. Peter Špilák currently works at the Faculty of Performing Arts of the Academy of Performing Arts, where he holds the position of Dean of the Faculty.
prof. Dr.h.c. Ondrej Lenárd (SK)

In 1964 he studied conducting at VŠMU in Bratislava. Between 1962 and 1969 he was the chorister of the opera of the Slovak National Theater in Bratislava, since 1970 the conductor (since 1977 the chief conductor) of the Symphonic Orchestra if Czechoslovak radio in Bratislava, 1984 – 1986 also the orchestra of the SND. 1991 – 2001 he was the chief conductor and music director of the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra. He excels above all as an interpreter of music of 19th and 20th century. In October 1998, president Michal Kováč awarded him the State Decorations of the Ľudovít Štúr Class I. In 1999 he gained the Crystal Wing.
Between 2011 and 2017 he was Chief Conductor of the Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Since September 2019 he has been Chief Conductor of the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Doctor Artis Magdaléna Rovňáková (SK)

Doctor Artis Magdaléna Rovňáková – founder, conductor and manager of the Bratislava Boys’ Choir has been at the helm of the body since its establishment in 1982.
During her 38-year artistic performance, she led him to important domestic and foreign stages (Slovak Philharmonic Concert Hall, Konzerthaus in Vienna, Cagnegie Hall in New York, Great Conservatory Hall in Moscow, George Weston Hall in Toronto, Laeiszhalle in Hamburg and others). She has conducted hundreds of a cappella concerts in the cathedrals and concert halls of European and overseas capitals (London, Paris, Berlin, Budapest, Brussels, Warsaw, Stockholm, Moscow, Rome, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Taipei, Tokyo, Jerusalem …).
She prepared the singers for top artistic productions. The most important – Penderecký’s Credo (conducted by Krištof Penderecký), Mahler’s 3rd and 8th symphonies for the Vienna Konzerthaus (conductors Bertrand de Billy, Fabio Luisi, Iván Fischer), Stravinsky’s Psalm Symphony (conductor Andrew Parrot), Honegcu and Belegger’s Jan z Deum and many other oratorios and cantatas (conductor Ondrej Lenárd), Ruth Fazal’s Terezín Oratorio staged at the world premiere in Toronto and reruns in Europe, Israel and the USA (conductor Kirk Trevor). For nine years she prepared the boys for performances at the Vienna State Opera (collaboration with a plethora of conductors led by Riccardo Muti).
For more than thirty years she has been collaborating with the SND opera, for which she staged children’s parties in operas by G. Puccini, J. Massenet, R. Leoncavall, G. Bizet, A. Boit, A. Berg, WA Mozart, J. Cikker, R. Wagner and i. Magdaléna Rovňáková staged a children’s part with the boys for the ballet SND in the performance The Nutcracker by P.I. Tchaikovsky and for the SND drama the title Cyrano from Bergerac by Edmond Rostand (music by Daniel Fikejz). She collaborated on the performance of the musical Jozef and his miraculous magic cloak by A.L. Weber on the New Stage in Bratislava. She prepared the boys for a big tour with the SND opera in Japan and Cyprus. With the Bratislava Boys’ Choir, she recorded victories in international choir competitions (USA, Russia, Italy). Together with the ensemble, it received a number of domestic awards, such as the Gold Medal of the President of the Slovak Republic, the Minister of Culture, the Mayor of Bratislava, the National Education Center, Fra angelica for spreading Christian culture, the Bratislava Regional Authority and the Trnava Regional Authority. became the Slovak of the Year in the category “education of young talents”.
Jakub Zicha (CZ)

He is a graduate of the Prague Conservatory in Viola (K. Špelina-1995) and Conducting (M. Němcová, H. Farkač, J. Kasal and M. Košler-2001).
He is the founder and artistic director of the Prague Temple Soloists ensemble, which specializes in performing pre-classical music. Since September 1999, he has been the artistic director and choirmaster of the leading Prague non-professional choir, the University Art Ensemble of Charles University, with which he has won several awards in international competitions. He has visited a number of countries with his ensembles, including China, Mexico, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France and Latvia.
Jakub Zicha is the artistic director of the Praga cantat festival, a sought-after juror for international choral competitions in the Czech Republic and abroad (Austria, Germany) and is also involved in music directing. Since December 2000, he has been teaching at the Prague Conservatory. In 2011-2019 he worked as an assistant choirmaster in the Prague Philharmonic Choir, since 2019 he has been the main choirmaster of the Opera of the J. K. Tyl Theater in Pilsen, where he also works as a guest conductor of opera and ballet ensembles. Since 2004 he has been collaborating with the National Theater in Prague, both with the play, for which he has prepared several musical productions, and with the opera, where he participated in the staging of choirs at the Libuše opera.
He is also active as an arranger; in 2003, he was invited by the European Federation of Choirs Europa Cantat (EC) to contribute for the Czech Republic for the upcoming collection of Christmas songs of European nations. He also works organizationally on the cultural scene; in cooperation with the management of VUS UK and Europa Cantat, he prepared the project “In the Footsteps of Antonín Dvořák” in August 2004. He was also the main artistic guarantor of the project.
Jakub Zicha (* 1974) graduated from the Prague Conservatory in Viola (K. Špelina – 1995) and Conducting (M. Němcová, H. Farkač, J. Kasal and M. Košler – 2001).
He is the founder and artistic director of the Prague Church Soloists, a group specializing in pre-classical music. Since September 1999 he has been the main choirmaster and artistic director of Charles University Choir Prague (they won together several prizes in international competitions). With all these ensembles he visited many countries including Spain, Portugal, Italy, Latvia, Mexico or China.
He is also active as an arranger; in 2003 he was asked by the European Federation of Young Choirs (Europa Cantat) to contribute to the prepared collection of Christmas songs of European nations on behalf of the Czech Republic. In 2004 he prepared under the auspices of Europa Cantat very interesting musical project “In the footsteps of Antonín Dvořák”.
For his artistic activity he received several prizes: 2018
For his artistic activity and its results, in 2018 he received the title “Musikdirektor FDB”, awarded by the Federation of German Professional Choirmasters, and in 2019 “Ferdinand Award Vacha ”- award of the Union of Czech Choirs.
Lukáš Kozubík (CZ)

Lukáš Kozubík studied opera vocal performance at the Janáček Conservatory and at the Institute for Arts within Ostrava University, and choir conducting at the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno (JAMU), under the tutelage of LubomírMátl. While still a student, he worked with
a number of ensembles, including the Brno Academic Choir, Lumír, Musicaconspirata, Ansámbl Forte, Chorus Ostrava and Cantores Domini. As an assistant conductor, choirmaster and vocal coach, he also participated in the activities of the JAMU Chamber Opera company. A permanent guest choirmaster and conductor of chorus workshops in Frýdek-Místek, he has focused on performance of sacred music by Czech and Slovak composers, and he has also sat on the jury of the international choir competition Adamec Days in Košice, Slovakia.
Since the 2012/2013 season, Lukáš Kozubík has been choirmaster of the Opera company of the State Theatre in Košice, where he founded and has helmed the Children’s Opera Studio. Until 2020, he taughtatthe Košice Conservatory, where he set up an opera studio and a student choir.He has regularly collaborated with the Košice Philharmonic, the Žilina Chamber Orchestra and MusicaIuvenalis. Furthermore, he has worked with Slovak Radio Košice, as well as the universities in Ružomberok and Prešov, performing old Slovak music. Since 2013, he has been a member of CassoviaBaroque Trio, specialised in early chamber music.
Sándor Kabdebó (HU)

Born in 1964, Sándor Kabdebó graduated at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music in Budapest as a music teacher and conductor in 1994. He completed his DLA studies in 2016 at the Doctoral School of the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest.
Mr Kabdebó has been acted as a music teacher and choir conductor since 1993. Between 2012 and 2015 he was the conductor of the Children’s Choir of the Hungarian National Radio. Since 2009 he has been a teacher of conducting and choir leader at the Eszterházy Károly University of Eger and since 2017 he has been a teacher of conducting and choir leader at the Debrecen University. In 1988 he founded Mixed Choir Prelude Budapest, and has been its leader since then.
With his choirs he has won more than 25 prizes (1st, 2nd or 3rd) at international choir competitions – the last success is the third prize won in Neuchatel in 2014 – and received special prizes for conducting, for the interpretation of contemporary pieces and also for artistic impression. He has also been actively participating in the Hungarian choral life, where his latest achievement with Prelude Mixed Choir is the Grand Prize of the 7th Zoltán Kodály Hungarian Choir Competition together with the Audience Award in 2015. He also regularly performs oratorical pieces with his ensembles, including international projects. In 2006 he was awarded the prize of Artisjus Musical Foundation for his outstanding work in musical education.
Mgr. art. Nao Higano Artd. (JPN)

Japanese soprano Nao Higano studied opera and concert singing at Seitoku University in Chibe and since 1990 at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, where she completed her doctoral studies with ArtD under the guidance of Doc. P. Mikuláš.
She attended master singing courses with S. Kopčák, P. Dvorský, G. Beňačková, Z. Livorová, P. de Neapoli, D. Iordachescu and Y. Hayashi. She successfully presented herself at international music festivals, she records for music publishers, for radio and television broadcasts. He cooperates with several leading music ensembles (Tokyo Philharmonic, Slovak Philharmonic, SOSRo, ŠKO B.Warchal, ŠKO Žilina, Capella Istropolitana, SOČR, Hradec Králové Philharmonic Orchestra, FBM Zlín, ŠF Košice, SSF Katowice etc.).
She prepared a song recital for the Rudolfinum in Prague, performed in the Amsterdam Concertgebouw. She won the first Yamaha Foundation Prize and multiple Music Fund Premiums in Bratislava. She has performed as a soloist in the operas of the Slovak National Theater, National Theater Brno, National Theater Prague, ŠO Banská Bystrica and ŠD Košice.
Her repertoire ranges from Renaissance compositions to XXI. century, she paid special attention to the study of Slavic compositions.
She is a member of the chamber trio Sen Tegmento (M. Adámek – clarinet, Z. Biščáková – piano and N. Higano – soprano).
In recent years, she has been gaining insight as an artist, exhibiting her art works at home and abroad.
prof. Dr.h.c. Ondrej Lenárd (SK)

In 1964 he studied conducting at VŠMU in Bratislava. Between 1962 and 1969 he was the chorister of the opera of the Slovak National Theater in Bratislava, since 1970 the conductor (since 1977 the chief conductor) of the Symphonic Orchestra if Czechoslovak radio in Bratislava, 1984 – 1986 also the orchestra of the SND. 1991 – 2001 he was the chief conductor and music director of the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra. He excels above all as an interpreter of music of 19th and 20th century. In October 1998, president Michal Kováč awarded him the State Decorations of the Ľudovít Štúr Class I. In 1999 he gained the Crystal Wing.
Between 2011 and 2017 he was Chief Conductor of the Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Since September 2019 he has been Chief Conductor of the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra.
prof. Grzegorz Oliwa (PL)

Grzegorz Oliwa, the Titular Professor of musical arts, conductor, teacher. Vice-Dean for student affairs and development of the Music Department of the University in Rzeszow. Director of the Zygmunt Mycielski’s State Music School of the first degree in Strzyzow.
In 1994 he has founded the Strzyzow Chamber Choir and has been its conductor ever. Moreover, he gave concerts with the Silesian Philharmonic Choir, the Tarnow Chamber Orchestra and the Chamber Orchestra from Przemysl. Together with the Rzeszow Chamber Orchestra he recorded some of the works from the collections of the Museum-Castle in Lancut – “Lancut Musicalia” and ” Lancut Musicalia – Concerts”.
Since 2001, he has been a member of the board of the Polish Association of Choirs and Orchestras in Rzeszow. In 2002 he was promoted to the position of artistic director, and in 2005 he has became the president of this association.
During the years of his professional work, Professor Oliwa has conducted numerous seminars and lectures for conductors and participated in the work of the jury of various choir festivals. In the years 1999-2006 he was the vice-president of the Rzeszow Musical Society. Since 2001, he has been a member of the Strzyzow Musical Society and in 2014 he became it’s vice president.
In 2003 the Polish Minister of Culture and National Heritage has entered Professor Oliwa on the list of experts. Since 2006, he has been the regional coordinator of the National Program for the Development of School Choirs “Singing Poland”. Currently, he’s the curator of the Choral Academy operating at the National Forum of Music in Wrocław.
He is the conductor of the Podkarpacki Masculine since 2014 and since September 2018 he runs the Teachers Choir “Akord” of the ZNP and SCK in Mielec.
prof. Branko Stark (HR)

Branko Stark (1954), composer, choral director and voice teacher, is a teacher at the Arts Academy (University of Split – Croatia) where he teaches vocal technique, singing and acting voice. He has written over 300 compositions for which he is the recipient of numerous awards. His speciality is voice theory and its scientific-pedagogic research and works published on this subject.
He is internationaly invited as guest conductor and holds seminars, masterclasses, lectures and workshops for choral conductors and singers worldwide (Argentina, China, Slovenia, Denmark, France, United Kingdom, Malta, USA, Korea, South Africa, Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Hong Kong, Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Latvia, Russia, Czech Republic, , and Spain).
Mr. Stark is also a prominent adjudicator for many international choral competitions – over 100 times in Germany, Austria, Croatia, China, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Japan, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Malaysia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
He is President of the Croatian Choral Directors Association, leader of the Vocal Academy, and a member of the Advisory Board of The International Council of the World Choir Games (www.brankostark.com).
Dr. Jonathan Scott Ferguson (USA)

J. Scott Ferguson is Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities at Illinois Wesleyan University, where he conducts the Collegiate Choir and University Choir and teaches studio voice, choral conducting, and choral literature. Dr. Ferguson received his undergraduate training at Oberlin Conservatory in organ performance, studying with Haskell Thomson. He completed graduate studies in choral conducting at the University of California, Irvine, earning the Master of Fine Arts, and the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he earned the Doctor of Musical Arts. He has studied choral conducting with Robert Fountain, Joseph Huszti, Daniel Moe, and Howard Swan, orchestral conducting with David Becker and James Smith, and voice with Robert Fountain, Joseph Huszti, and Beverly Rinaldi. Prior to his appointment at Illinois Wesleyan University in 1996, he served on the faculty at the State Conservatory of Music in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Hope College, Plymouth State University, The College of Wooster, and the University of California, Irvine. His choirs have appeared on tour throughout the United States and Europe, and have performed at state and regional ACDA and NAfME conferences. The Illinois Wesleyan University Collegiate Choir has collaborated with the Orchid Ensemble and the King’s Singers on commissioned works, and will do so with the Minnesota Guitar Quartet in 2021. Dr. Ferguson is in demand as a choral clinician, festival conductor, and adjudicator, and has presented choral workshops and lectures in the U. S., Europe, and South America. He has published articles on Slovak choral music in the ACDA Choral Journal and is the compiler and editor of the Slovak Choral Series, published by Alliance Publications. He is a frequent member of juries at international choral competitions. Dr. Ferguson directs the Chapel Choir at Second Presbyterian Church in Bloomington and is organist and cantor at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Chenoa, IL.
prof. PhDr. Jiří Skopal, CSc. (CZ)

Artistic director and conductor Professor Jiri Skopal, Ph.D. is associated with the Czech Girls’ Choir Jitro since 1977. In 1982, he also formed a boys’ choir Boni pueri. Professor Skopal has been a teacher, professor and the head of the Department of Music at University of Hradec Kralove. He has also published essays and choir education textbooks. Professor Skopal is the recipient of numerous awards and honors. He was the very first person to be awarded the prestigious prize “Primus Inter Pares” by the City of Hradec Kralove for his outstanding contributions to the regional culture.
prof. Dr.h.c. Ondrej Lenárd (SK)

In 1964 he studied conducting at VŠMU in Bratislava. Between 1962 and 1969 he was the chorister of the opera of the Slovak National Theater in Bratislava, since 1970 the conductor (since 1977 the chief conductor) of the Symphonic Orchestra if Czechoslovak radio in Bratislava, 1984 – 1986 also the orchestra of the SND. 1991 – 2001 he was the chief conductor and music director of the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra. He excels above all as an interpreter of music of 19th and 20th century. In October 1998, president Michal Kováč awarded him the State Decorations of the Ľudovít Štúr Class I. In 1999 he gained the Crystal Wing.
Between 2011 and 2017 he was Chief Conductor of the Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Since September 2019 he has been Chief Conductor of the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Elena Matušová (SK)

is a graduate of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, choir conducting department in class prof. Petra Hradila (1993). During her studies she worked as assistant conductor, since 1998 as a conductor and since the 2003/2004 season she has taken over the post of the artistic director and conductor of the Lúčnica Speaking Choir. With this ensemble, she has performed many concerts in international competitions and festivals in Slovakia and abroad (Seoul, Pyongyang, Tours, Middlesbrough, Mar del Plata, Jerusalem, Mexico City, Barcelona, Maribor, Bergen, Isla de Margarita, Sardinia, ).
She is regularly involved in the events of major Slovak music festivals (Bratislava Music Festival, Election Games, Melos Ethos, Musica Sacra in Nitra, Banská Bystrica Music Days). She cooperated with major Slovak and foreign orchestral bodies (Chamber Opera Bratislava, State Opera in Banská Bystrica, Cappella Istropolitana, Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Solamente Naturali, Slovak Chamber Orchestra, Virtuosi di Praga, South Bohemian Philharmonic Orchestra, Pilsen Philharmonic Orchestra, Bohuslav Martinů Philharmonic Orchestra, Junge Philharmonie Wien, Franz Lehár Orchestra), in the production of vocal-instrumental works and lectures by conductors Ondrej Lenárd, Róbert Stankovsky, Marián Vach, Igor Bullu, Adrián Kokoš, Maria Košika, Zdeněk Macháček, Martin Leginus, Ewald Danel, Oldřich Vlček, Jaroslav Kyzlinka, Jaromir Krygel, Kirk Trevor, Allan Wilson, Dalie Atlas, Flavia Colussa, Didier Talpaina, Walter Attanasi, soloists Katia Ricciarelli, Ľubica Vargicová, Terézia Kružliaková, Miroslav and Petr Dvorský, Adrian Kučerová, Adrian Kohútková, Martou Beňačková, Ľudovít Ludh, Tomáš Juhásom, Gustáv Beláček, Petr Mikuláš, Martin Malachovský, Pavel Bršlík, Otokarom Klein a další. She studied and recorded choirs in musicals and regularly collaborates with choral recordings for films for Slovak and foreign companies. In the rest of the period, the conducting of chamber instrumental groupings began with the works of G. Zrunek, C. Franc, WA Mozart, J. Haydn, Giyu Kancheli and Norman Luboff.
prof. Benedykt Błoński (PL)

Benedykt Błoński was born in 1957. He graduated from the Fryderyk Chopin Music Academy in Warsaw. She cooperates with the choir Prof. W. Wawrzyczek, currently conducting the choir of the Warmia and Mazury Universities. With this choir, he participated in Polish and international competitions and festivals, winning a series of the highest awards (gold medals and Grand Prix). Since 2009 he has been the Warmia and Mazury Philharmonic Ward. For its artistic and educational activities received numerous prestigious awards such as the Gold Cross of Merit, 1st grade individual awards of the Rector of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and many others. His achievements include recording 13 CDs. Benedykt Błoński conducted hundreds of concerts in Poland and abroad (eg. Greece, Ireland, United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Vatican, Italy, Spain, Germany, Russia, Mexico, Argentina), which was presented to Polish and foreign music including premiere performances. Benedykt Błoński has been collaborating with foreign allies for years, as well as Warmia and Mazury Philharmonic. He holds a position in the artistic ranks and juries of many choral competitions and festivals, domestic and international. Benedykt Błoński is artistic director of international choral workshops “Eurochor 2001 ‘, artistic director of the Polish – German Choral Academy” In terra pax “, artistic director of the international choir festival F. Nowowiejski. He is a member of the International Olympic Corps Council. He lectures at the Music Academy in Bydgoszcz and the National Center for Culture in Warsaw. Professor Błoński currently holds Dean position at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Warmia and Mazury, where he also lectures. In 1999, he was awarded the academic title of Professor of Musical Art by the President of the Republic of Poland.
Fabio Pecci (IT)

Studied violoncello at Ravenna’s “G. Verdi” Music School graduating with brilliant results. As a cellist his busy concert activity has led him to perform in theatres and concert halls in Italy and abroad. He has been awarded prizes in many competitions and has recorded seven CDs for Tactus, Bongiovanni and other labels. He founded and directs “Le Allegre Note” treble voice choir and “Note in Crescendo” youth choir, with which he has also performed in prestigious theatres. With these two choirs he has over 500 performances, audio and television recordings to his credit. With them he also recorded three albums which include his own choral arrangements. With Note in Crescendo he has held concerts in Germany, France, Switzerland, Poland, Sweden and in Czech Republic. With Le Allegre Note he also took part in the production of ‘Te Deum’ by H. Berlioz, held in Bologna in October 2008, under the direction of Claudio Abbado. He was responsible for the treble voices in the production of ‘Carmen’by G. Bizet and “Tosca” and Bohème by Puccini, in many theatres, as well as for ‘Carmina Burana’ by C. Orff, with the soloists of the Academy of Santa Cecilia in Rome. He is an enthusiast of children’s vocalism and directs 5 children and youth choirs. As a choir director, he has received awards and gained recognition in many National and International Competitions, with seven first prizes. Since 2013, he is a member of the Artistic Committee of A.E.R.CO – The Regional Choirs Association. He was a teacher at the “Spring Festival” by FENIARCO in Montecatini 2016 and 2017 and as conductor of the youth choir “Note In Crescendo” he represented the Emilia Romagna region at the National Choral Festival at ‘EXPO Milano 2015’. Main teacher at the Choral meeting “Sing Together” in Sardinia 2017 and 2018, He is the Artistic Director of the “City of Riccione” Choral Competition and member of the Jury in many Choral Competitions.
Prof. Dr. Tamás Lakner

Prof. Dr. Tamás Lakner is a professor at the Faculty of Arts – University of Pécs, teaching choral conducting and the Kodály method.
He attained his DLA in the Liszt Academy of Music in choral conducting. He is a frequent jury member of international choral competitions and conducts ateliers, e.g. at EUROPA CANTAT Festival in Utrecht in 2009 and in Torino in 2012. He is the artistic leader of the highly acclaimed European Winesong Festivals organized for male choirs an he was also the artistic director of Pécs Cantat 2010 – The Singing Cultural Capital of Europe festival.
He is leader of the Szélkiáltó Ensemble: with its Hungarian folklore and world music programme the ensemble is a decisive contributor to Hungarian musical life and a steady guest of European festivals.
He has received several distinctions for chormasters. In 2005 and 2010 he was awarded the Artisjus-Prize for the performance of contemporary works, in 2006 he won the Bartók Memorial Prize. In 2007 he was awarded the Liszt-Prize, the highest distinction for performing artists in Hungary.
He was selected to become one of the conductors of the EuroChoir 2013 session. He is member of the International Music Commission of the European Choral Association -Europa Cantat.
prof. PaedDr. MgA. et Mgr. Vojtech Didi, m. prof.

After finalization of studies on conservatory in Brno (composition and conduct) he has continued in studies of music on Janácek´s academy of musical arts during the years 1980 – 1985, the discipline composition and he has obtained degree Mgr. art. (Magister of art). In the year 1987 he took the place of director of the State opera in Banská Bystrica. In the year 1988 he obtained degree PaedDr. (Doctor of pedagogy) in discipline teacher of general-educational subjects, the theory of teaching of music lessons. In the year 1997 he obtained degree doc. (Docent) in specialization conduct and composition. In the years 1997 – 2000 he worked in the role of the dean of the Faculty of musical art in Academy of art in Banská Bystrica. From the year 2000 is rector of Academy of art in Banská Bystrica. In the year 2003 he obtained degree m. prof. (extraordinaire professor).
He composed 70 opuses. From his compositions and conduct performances were recorded 18 CD´s , 9 DVD´s and 1 USB key. The Moravian philharmonic Olomouc, the Janácek´s philharmonic Ostrava, the State philharmonic Brno, the Symphony orchestra of J. Cikker Banská Bystrica, the State chamber orchestra Žilina interpreted opuses of V. Didi. His compositions were introduced by prestiges orchestras and bands. The conduct perfomance and opuses are known and there were introduced in many states: Czech republic, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Bulgary, Slovenia, Croatia, France, Switzerland, Russia, Lithuania, Spain, Italy. On the demand he composed compulsory opus ,,Canzonetta´´ for the International competition of cymbalo ,,Eurotalent 2000´´ in Banská Bystrica and opus for accordion ,,Concertino´´ for the International accordion competition in Poprad in the year 2003. The composition Inspirazione was introduced at the Galaprogtam of ISCM World Music Days in Ljubljana in Slovenia as the composition for the 3rd millennium. The editor of Swiss Hübners blawes Who is who: WHO IS WHO in the Slovac Republic (encyclopedia of the most important people in the Slovak Republic) introduced him as one of the most important people in the Slovak Republic of the year 2003. He is leader of the prosperous mixed chorus Canzona Neosolium supported by Academy of Art in Banská Bystrica since 2003.
He composed in the year 2005 the opus “Hommage and Banská Bystrica” for big symphonic orchestra to the tribute of 750-th anniversary of establishment of the town.
Since 2008 he works as a dean at FMU AU in Banská Bystrica. For an international accordion competition, which takes part in Poprad 2009, he composed reguired composition for the accordion called “e;Soirée”e; in 2008. In year 2010 he finished musical-dramatic piece of music, made on motive of homonymous Rudolf Jasik ´s novel “On the bank of limpid river”, the native from Kysuce (Turzovka). Libretto wrote PhDr. Mária Glocková, PhD. The technique of his composition work goes out from the trends of music of 20. and 21. century, but he respect the acoustical possibilities of interpretation. In the year 2011 he was reappointed to a dean for next term of office.In the same year an art-pedagogical title of professor in composition specialization was awarded to him.
In particular positive response from the audience, performers and art critics have encountered extensive compositions of the 21st century compositions “Birth” for soprano and orchestra (2013) and Canzone eterna for soprano, reciter, mixed choir and orchestra (2014). At the festival Epoché – New Slovak Music 2016 was the premiere of the composition Concertino for four cellos. In 2016 he composed the composition “Five tears” – a cycle of songs for alto and viola at the ancient Roma folk poetry. In the same year he was elected Rector of the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica. Didi´s works are deep and honest emotional testimony. Attract compositional mastery, originality of artistic ideas and their interpretation and peculiar colour combinations of instruments and human voices, suggestive musical language and communication power.
– 18 CD´s from the opuses of author
– 2 CD: G. Rossini: Stabat mater (the conduct opus) F. H. Brixi: Missa Pastoralis ( the condust opus )
– 9 DVD
– 8 MG´s
– 1 USB key
– the records in Slovak radio and television
– Pocúvaj, pocúvaj – the Price for the best interpretation of slovak present author (V. Didi) – International festival of V.F. Bystrý in Banská Bystrica, 1994
– Sonet pre ráno – the Price of Music fund, Banská Bystrica, 1995
– Mojim detom – the Individual premium in composer competition in The Year of Slovak music (category: chamber – orchestra opus, Bratislava, 1996)
– the Main price for the best conduct performance – the Slovak competition of chamber orchestras (with band Canzona Neosolium), 1996
Turn white, turn white
songs from Kysyce for soprano, tenor, bass, mixed choir and orchestra
(composition was awarded a price at SHF in 2005)
In the apple tree garden, where I go for its beauty
Composizioni per salterio é d archi
(composition was awarded a price at SHF in 2005)
Hommage á Banská Bystrica
Ceremonial composition for large orchestra
composition was awarded a price at SHF in 2005)
Love makes people rich
A cycle of songs for mezzo-soprano, flute and piano, based on verse by M. Haľamová
composition was awarded a price at SHF in 2005)
2001 – titular citizen of the town Čadca
2002 – Pamätná plaketa za rozvoj Banskobystrického kraja
2005 – the burgomaster´s price of the town Turzovka
2005 – famous person of Kysuce
2005 – the burgomaster´s price of the town Banská Bystrica
MgA. Jakub Klecker

Jakub Klecker (1982) is one of the most distinctive Czech conductors of today. After his study of conduction at Brno Conservatory in the class of Ales Podaril he absolved the HAMU in Prague in the class of Professor Jiri Belohlavek and doc. Tomas Koutnik. He graduated in 2006 by the concert with Brno Philharmonic and Kantilena chorus.
During his conservatory study he caught the public attention by rehearsing a number of contemporary compositions (R. Ištvan, F. Emmert, P. Eben, Z. Pololáník, J. Matys, C. Kohoutek, E. Zámečník, P. Zemek etc.), and cooperated with the conservatory symphonic orchestra on some opera productions (Janáček: Nursey rhymes, radio-opera Hlas lesa by B. Martinů, Tlustý pradědeček by J. Křička, the intermezzo „Il maestro di capella“ by D. Cimarosa, opera Bastien a Bastienka by W. A. Mozart etc.).
Since 1993 he has cooperated with Kantilena – the youth choir of Brno Philharmonic, at first as a singer and since 1997 as a rehearsal pianist and the second chorus master. Between 2003 and 2005 he was the principal chorus master of Kantilena. In 2006 he took over the position of artistic chief after Ivan Sedlacek. Under his management the chorus continues in the series of previous successes – in 2006 Kantilena got the first prize „summa cum laude“ in Belgian Neerpelt competition joint by 99 choirs. We can consider a bigger success two golden prizes of the worldwide Choir Olympics in Graz (Austria, 2008), where Kantilena was announced as the best European choir in its category.
In 2004 Jakub Klecker was firstly invited by National theatre Brno to cooperate on a new production of Janacek´s Jenufa as a part of the international music festival Janacek Brno 2004. In June 2004 he worked on Smetana´s opera Branibori v Cechach as an assistant conductor and in October he debuted as a conductor there. Since 2007 he has worked there as a conductor and he conducted a number of operas and ballets (Marta, Jenufa, Rigoletto, Idomeneo, Nabucco, Aida, Bartered Bride, Carmen, Juliette, Knife´s Tears, Cunning Little Wixen, Beauty and Beast (Glass), ballets Spartacus, Nutcracker, Kitchen Revue, Adventurous Flight or Coppelia from Montmartre). In last years his most important feats are the world premiere of scenic production of Bohuslav Martinu´s Ženitba (The Marriage) in its original English version which he rehearsed for International music festival Brno – Moravian Autumn 2009, or the production of Puccini´s Turandot (2011) – the Czech premiere of version with Luciano Berio´s finale. In 2012/2013 season he will rehearse two important productions -Janacek´s The Fate in the autumn and The Midsummer Nigh ´s Dream by Britten in spring.
An essential part of his artistic life is the cooperation with the prominent European orchestras and artists as Brno Philharmonic, Symphonic orchestra of Cesky Rozhlas, Prague Chamber Philharmonic, Symphonic orchestra of Prague FOK, Moravian Philharmonic Olomouc, Janacek Philharmonic Ostrava, National Philharmonic Kosice, Czech Chamber Soloists, Czech Virtuosi, Czech Philharmonic Choir Brno, Eva Urbanová, Václav Hudeček, Ivo Kahánek, András Adorján. In 2007 and 2009 he joined the tour with Brno Philharmonics in Japan. In 2009 he debuted at the Prague Spring festival, which confirms the raising quality of his work with instrumentalists. We can mention some other important festivals and events where he performed: The International Music Festival Moravian Autumn (MHF Moravský podzim), Encounter of Vaclav Hudecek (Setkávání Václava Hudečka), The International Music Festival of Peter Dvorsky (MHF Petra Dvorského), The International Music Festival Spilberk (MHF Špilberk), Dny lidí dobré vůle na Velehradě, Janacek Brno etc.
In season 2010/2011 we can mention rehearsing of operas Ariadna (Martinu) and Sarka (Janacek) in the National Moravian-Silesian Theatre in Ostrava, the concert-tour in Italy as a part of the Carniarmonia festival, the cooperation with the Italian choir Coro del Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Mitteleuropa orchestra, with the Latvian chamber orchestra and a renowned violinist „Sophia Jaff“, rehearsing of Honneger´s oratorio “Joan of Arc” for the Moravian Autumn festival, a Christmas guest appearance in German Jena or performing at the renowned festivals Smetana´s Litomysl, Thurn-Taxis Schlossfestspiele, Rheingau Musik Festival.
In 2012 he rehearsed Stravinski´s opera The Rake’s progress in the National Moravian-Silesian Theatre in Ostrava. This production was also played as a part of a prestigious festival Prague Spring in the historical building of the Czech National Theatre in Prague.
Prof. PhDr. MgA. Jan Vičar, CSc

Jan Vičar (1949) devotes himself to composition, musicology, pedagogical and organization work. Apart from other things, he was the editor in chief of the leading Czech music journal Hudební rozhledy (Music Review). He has published a number of scientific studies and theoretical books, lectured at universities in the United States and he founded the international festival of contemporary music, MusicOlomouc. His compositions are performed both in the Czech Republic and abroad and are published on CD and in print. He is a professor at the Department of Theory and History of Music at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague.
dr. hab. Jan Borowski, prof. AM

Jan Borowski is a professor at the Faculty of Choral Conducting, Music Education and Church Music of the Music Academy of Ignacy Paderewski in Poznan. He has got a lot of experience in working with various types of choirs. Currently he is a conductor and an artistic manager of the University of Bielsko-Biała Choir. With the choirs he has conducted he has given hundreds of concerts and has received plenty of awards in Poland and abroad. He has been given several prizes for the best conductor. He was awarded with the Distinguished for Polish culture badge by the Minister of Culture. With the choirs founded by himself he has released 6 records among them Missa de Maria a Magdala by Paweł Łukaszewski which received a double nomination for the Fryderyk 2014 award. The French music magazine Classica honoured it with Choc de Classica prize, and it also won the prestigious Orphee d’Or prize, granted by the Académie du Disque Lyrique.
doc. Mgr. art. Štefan Sedlický, ArtD.

He studied at Music Conservatory in Zilina and at Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava (at the class of doc.Starosta) where he also started studying choir conducting in 1988 which he finished in the class of professor Hradil. Until 1998 he taught at Music Conservatory in Zilina – piano and conducting, since 1998 til 2008 as an assistant and later „docent“ at the Faculty of Music Education at the University of Matej Bell in Banska Bystrica. There he led Academic Choir of J.Cikker with which he gained very important awards at international competitions (absolute winner at ABBB – 2001 and 2007, 1st prize at IFAS in Pardubice, etc.). Since 2008 he has been a „docent“ at the Faculty of Music Arts in Banska Bystrica where he lectures choir conducting and he has also been at the Music Conservatory in Zilina externally.
Besides the Zilina Mixed Choir he has conducted a chamber choir Cantica – Collegium Musicum in Martin (since 1994), with which he has successfully represented Slovakia in abroad (the 1st prize at the international competition in Vlachove Březí – 2008 (the Czech Republic), gold medal at Grand Prix Pattay (Thailand), the 1st prize at the category of sacral music and the 1st prize in category of mixed choirs at Praga Cantat – Prague 2012, the 2nd prize in Romanian Baia Mare – 2013, etc.) . He also initiated cooperation of the two choirs and Slovak Sinfonietta in Zilina through the presentation of grand vocal-instrumental masterpieces such as Easter Oratory by Johann Sebastian Bach, or Requiem by W.A.Mozart.
Since 2002 he has been an art director and conductor of the Choir of Slovak Teachers, after his professor
P.Hradil. He has gained more awards with this choir, among the most recent the gold medal from the World Choir Games in Riga. Since 2009 he has also led the mixed choir Cansona Neosolium from FMU AU in Banska Bystrica. He has cooperated with the choir at the Music Conservatory Zilina. With his choirs he has released more CDs.
As a conductor and choirmaster he regularly cooperates with the Slovak Sinfonietta Zilina and Trnava Chamber Orchestra on introducing grand vocal-instrumental masterpieces by not only world composers, but also premieres of the masterpieces by Slovak composers (Iršai, Krška, Špilák, Bernáth and others).
He regularly works as a lecturer at the trainings and courses for choirmasters and also as a judge at the competitions at home as well as in abroad.